There are many myths about funerals and the funeral profession. Here are some of the many our community shared with us when asked what they’ve encountered.
We scoured hundreds of funeral home reviews on Yelp in search of the most memorable elements of a personalized service. Read on to find out what they were!
People could spend their afterlife in an underwater cemetery on Queensland's Gold Coast, with the council floating the idea of building a memorial dive site for burial urns in the city's Broadwater.
In thinking of an estate plan, most people think first of a will. You may think next of things like joint and survivorship deeds, life insurance, or payable on death,
Many people don't have any idea what to wear to a funeral. Here are some tips to keep you from making mistakes with inappropriate attire.
First, understand that what you wear to the funeral is much less important than actually going to the funeral or gathering.
To accommodate our Boomer demographic bulge, we may need to create many new cemeteries, but I think there is a better way: create new natural burial grounds by working with land trusts. If we choose a typical flat-grass cemetery funeral, then we will be filled with embalming fluids, placed in a brass coffin and put into concrete vaults. [...] Mark Harris, in his book "Grave Matters," estimates that in each 10-acre cemetery, there is enough of it to fill a backyard swimming pool…
Your presence says, “Yes, this life mattered. And, yes, your lives have changed. But not everything has changed, you still have us.”
Planning a funeral right after a family member dies is probably the last thing you want to do. But by putting some plans and information on file with a funeral home, you can make it so much easier on your surviving loved ones. While conducting research before writing A Good Goodbye: Funeral Planning for Those …
Death and funerals, while unpleasant for many of us to consider, are inevitable occurrences that we need to prepare for, both emotionally and financially. As one gets older, the burden of care fall…